A World Without Maternal and Child Tragedies

Saving Lives Through Prenatal Care Equity

Maternia’s Misson:

We are committed to creating a world where access to quality prenatal care is not a privilege but a universal right. Each and every woman deserves the opportunity to embrace a healthy, safe, and inclusive pregnancy journey, regardless of her background, identity, or circumstance.

At Maternia, our dedication lies in supporting improving maternal and child health outcomes while simultaneously providing a crucial support system for fragile healthcare infrastructures.

What do we believe in?

Affordability, accessibility, and inclusivity are at the heart of our commitment to quality prenatal care.

We understand that advanced technology, when used in conjunction with existing traditional and culturally accepted practices, can complement and enhance the value provided.

Maternia puts pregnant women’s voices at the center of their care journey, enabling clinicians to deliver care that's tailored and patient-centric. 

The Solution

Maternia aims to deliver an inclusive and tailor-made solution to make maternal care within reach of every pregnant woman.

Our medical device reaches underserved regions with limited access to antenatal care, ensuring no one is left behind.

Designed for Impact: The Features behind Maternia’s Technology

  • Simple and easy to use, with minimal technology requirements or technical complexity.

  • Our solution maintains high quality while ensuring that maternal health services are accessible to all.

  • Maternia places utmost importance on the safety and comfort of the user, working hand in hand with clinicians.

  • At-home solution operating independently, without the need for on-site medical expertise

  • Simple and easy to operate, with clear and concise instructions for use.


Help us bring our vision to reality through crowdfunding

Recognising the underfunded state of maternal healthcare, we've launched a crowdfunding campaign for those who feel a deep connection to our cause. Are you one of the passionate supporters ready to make an impact with us?